
Note: You can see complete examples here

Add security policy to Firewall or Panorama

Security policies allow you to enforce rules and take action, and can be as general or specific as needed. The policy rules are compared against the incoming traffic in sequence, and because the first rule that matches the traffic is applied, the more specific rules must precede the more general ones.


      - name: Add test rule 1 to the firewall
          provider: '{{ provider }}'
          rule_name: 'Ansible test 1'
          description: 'An Ansible test rule'
          source_zone: ['internal']
          destination_zone: ['external']
          source_ip: ['']
          source_user: ['any']
          destination_ip: ['any']
          category: ['any']
          application: ['any']
          service: ['service-http']
          hip_profiles: ['any']
          action: 'allow'
          commit: 'False'


      - name: Add test pre-rule to Panorama
          provider: '{{ provider }}'
          rule_name: 'Ansible test 1'
          description: 'An Ansible test pre-rule'
          source_zone: ['internal']
          destination_zone: ['external']
          source_ip: ['']
          source_user: ['any']
          destination_ip: ['any']
          category: ['any']
          application: ['any']
          service: ['service-http']
          hip_profiles: ['any']
          action: 'allow'
          device_group: 'DeviceGroupA'
          commit: False

Add NAT policy to Firewall or Panorama

If you define Layer 3 interfaces on the firewall, you can configure a Network Address Translation (NAT) policy to specify whether source or destination IP addresses and ports are converted between public and private addresses and ports. For example, private source addresses can be translated to public addresses on traffic sent from an internal (trusted) zone to a public (untrusted) zone. NAT is also supported on virtual wire interfaces.


      - name: Add the service object to the firewall first
          provider: '{{ provider }}'
          name: 'service-tcp-221'
          protocol: 'tcp'
          destination_port: '221'
          description: 'SSH on port 221'
          commit: false

      - name: Create dynamic NAT rule on the firewall
          provider: '{{ provider }}'
          rule_name: 'Web SSH inbound'
          source_zone: ['external']
          destination_zone: 'external'
          source_ip: ['any']
          destination_ip: ['']
          service: 'service-tcp-221'
          snat_type: 'dynamic-ip-and-port'
          snat_interface: ['ethernet1/2']
          dnat_address: ''
          dnat_port: '22'


      - name: Add the necessary service object to Panorama first
          provider: '{{ provider }}'
          name: 'service-tcp-221'
          protocol: 'tcp'
          destination_port: '221'
          description: 'SSH on port 221'
          commit: false
          device_group: 'shared_services_11022'

      - name: Create dynamic NAT rule on Panorama
          provider: '{{ provider }}'
          rule_name: 'Web SSH inbound'
          source_zone: ['external']
          destination_zone: 'external'
          source_ip: ['any']
          destination_ip: ['']
          service: 'service-tcp-221'
          snat_type: 'dynamic-ip-and-port'
          snat_interface: ['ethernet1/2']
          dnat_address: ''
          dnat_port: '22'
          device_group: 'shared_services_11022'

Change firewall admin password using SSH

Change admin password of PAN-OS device using SSH with SSH key. This is used in particular when NGFW is deployed in the cloud (such as AWS).

      - name: Change user password using ssh protocol
          ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
          password: '{{ password }}'
          newpassword: '{{ new_password }}'
          key_filename: '{{ key_filename }}'

Generates self-signed certificate

This module generates a self-signed certificate that can be used by GlobalProtect client, SSL connector, or otherwise. Root certificate must be preset on the system first. This module depends on paramiko for ssh.

      - name: generate self signed certificate
          ip_address: "{{ ip_address }}"
          username: "{{ username }}"
          password: "{{ password }}"
          cert_cn: "{{ cn }}"
          cert_friendly_name: "{{ friendly_name }}"
          signed_by: "{{ signed_by }}"

Check if FW is ready

Check if PAN-OS device is ready for being configured (no pending jobs). The check could be done once or multiple times until the device is ready.

      - name: Wait for FW reboot
          provider: '{{ provider }}'
        register: result
        until: not result|failed
        retries: 50
        delay: 5

Import configuration

Import file into PAN-OS device.

    - name: import configuration file into PAN-OS
        ip_address: "{{ ip_address }}"
        username: "{{ username }}"
        password: "{{ password }}"
        file: "{{ config_file }}"
        category: "configuration"

DHCP on DataPort

Configure data-port (DP) network interface for DHCP. By default DP interfaces are static.

    - name: enable DHCP client on ethernet1/1 in zone external
        provider: '{{ provider }}'
        if_name: "ethernet1/1"
        zone_name: "external"
        create_default_route: "yes"
        commit: False

Load configuration

This is example playbook that imports and loads firewall configuration from a configuration file

    - name: import config
      hosts: my-firewall
      connection: local
      gather_facts: False

        cfg_file: candidate-template-empty.xml

        - role: PaloAltoNetworks.paloaltonetworks

      - name: Grab the credentials from ansible-vault
        include_vars: 'firewall-secrets.yml'
        no_log: 'yes'

      - name: wait for SSH (timeout 10min)
        wait_for: port=22 host='{{ provider.ip_address }}' search_regex=SSH timeout=600

      - name: checking if device ready
          provider: '{{ provider }}'
        register: result
        until: not result|failed
        retries: 10
        delay: 10

      - name: import configuration
          ip_address: '{{ provider.ip_address }}'
          username: '{{ provider.username }}'
          password: '{{ provider.password }}'
          file: '{{cfg_file}}'
          category: 'configuration'
        register: result

      - name: load configuration
          ip_address: '{{ provider.ip_address }}'
          username: '{{ provider.username }}'
          password: '{{ provider.password }}'
          file: '{{result.filename}}'
          commit: False

      - name: set admin password
          provider: '{{ provider }}'
          admin_username: 'admin'
          admin_password: '{{ provider.password }}'
          superuser: True
          commit: False

      - name: commit (blocks until finished)
          provider: '{{ provider }}'